Marcie Meets Marcie

It’s my pleasure to introduce my beloved Aunty Marcie, my mum’s big sister. Aged 94, Aunty Marcie has 6 children,16 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren (plus many adoring nieces and nephews.) Marcie also very kindly agreed to me borrowing her beautiful name for the heroine of my first children’s book, Marcie Gill and the Caravan Park Cat, coming in November. The two Marcies first met in manuscript form in Adelaide last year, and then this month I was delighted to be able to send Aunty Marcie one of my first copies, hot off the press. (With thanks to my cousins Gerri & Di for the photos.)

If you’d like to read more about Marcie Gill and the Caravan Park Cat, available now to pre-order, you can click here!