My Weekend In Port Pirie And Edithburgh

I feel very lucky to be able to travel around South Australia to do events for The Godmothers and meet so many readers and fellow book lovers. Big thanks to everyone who came to my events launching The Godmothers in Port Pirie and Edithburgh on the weekend, I loved meeting you all. I hope you all enjoy my photo gallery – with special mention of the amazing table and stage decorations based on The Godmothers cover, handmade by Diane in Edithburgh

My warmest thanks to the organisers too, including my dear friends Margie and Mark Arnold of Meg’s Bookshop, Port Pirie MC Robyn Patterson, my author friend Tricia Stringer for her lovely intro, and in Edithburgh: Shirley Thompson of Yorketown Community Library and her terrific team, including Helen, Diane and all the Edithburgh Institute committee.

This week I’m off to Kapunda/Greenock, Mount Gambier, Murray Bridge and Clare. See you all soon!